DAfmi product range includes brake pads for 50 thousand vehicle modifications

DAfmi product range includes brake pads for 50 thousand vehicle modifications

From 01.12.2018, a new online product catalog of DAfmi is available to users – http://catalogue.dafmi.com.ua (the service is compatible with the selection by TecDoc).

A curious developer of the resource calculated the number of modifications for each car brand for which brake pads are produced at DAfmi (modification is a car model that differs by engine, drive and gearbox).

It turned out that the company’s assets include friction products for 55 brands and 49978 modifications of car manufacturers from different countries, which meets 92% of the needs of the market for passenger and commercial vehicles in Ukraine and the near abroad.
Models VAZ, ZAZ, GAS, etc. are mastered in full volume and among foreign cars the leader in the number of modifications covered became Mercedes. There are 5755 modifications.